The Religious Service Exemption Explained
The Religious Service Exemption in the US copyright law is vital for churches. But church leaders are often confused and...
READ MOREHosting a Church Super Bowl Party
Planning a Super Bowl party? There are just few important rules to avoid copyright infringement.
READ MOREThe Copyright Tools You Need in 2022
There is something exciting about a new year – new possibilities, new experiences, new challenges, and new things to learn. So, as you set your sights on church planning, we’ve got some free resources to help your church learn and grow.
READ MOREOn the Tenth Day of Christmas CCS Gave to Me…
Christmas is better with music. And PERFORMmusic and WORSHIPcast are better together. When you purchase both licenses, your church has tremendous freedom to utilize music in all your Christmas church activities.
READ MOREOn the Eighth Day of Christmas CCS Gave To Me…
Did you know there are eight specific types of works eligible for copyright protection? On the eighth day of Christmas we thought we would share!
READ MOREOn the Seventh Day of Christmas CCS Gave to Me…
As you put the finishing touches on your Christmas programs, we know making sure your church is copyright compliant can be the last thing on your list. we've got FREE resources to help!